
We offer a comprehensive external renovation and redecoration service for both Private and Commercial Clients across London.

Having protected the Cown Property around Regents Park for more than twenty five years we are one of London's leading specialists at exterior renovation.
All quotations come hand in hand with access or scaffold. This is important because safety is paramount. You, us and the general public are in the hands of the scaffold company. We have used the same scaffold companies since our inception and have thankfully experienced no safety problems to date. Even so before we accept and take over a scaffold we check for the following.
* built firm level foundation
* safety barriers all heights
* tied in and supported correctly
* screw ends covered, no head high bars
* safe access on/off the scaffold
* clear of power lines
* appropriate inclusion ladders/lifts
* end poles off the masonry
* safe storage area for materials

Clients may choose to have the scaffold alarmed or not but once we accept a scaffold nobody, including the Customer, is allowed onto the scaffold without our permission.Hard helmets are worn on the scaffold and supplied to site visitors. Also whilst the scaffold is up we check the roof, gutters, down pipes, balconies, sills, brickwork etc. for any repair in situ. It is pointless to remove the scaffold without checking and offering to remedy these areas if needed.