
Primrose Hill Decorators offer a free quotation for any renovation work you might require. We provide a quality service at a very competitive price. Being local means we have a good working knowledge of the properties in the area and we can respond quickly to your needs. All work is fully guaranteed, we are £10 millions insurance bonded and we can supply many references. Please ring me, Stanley Lawrence, on 07913423433, or email stan@primhill.com to arrange your free quotation.
The quinquennial 2026 painting of the Crown Estate and CEPC Regents Park commences May 2026. We will be offering quotations from April 1st 2025. If you need to fix a particular time slot for your work it is advisable to contact us for a free quotation sooner rather than later. We get quite busy during the window of time for renovation. PHD have been on the CEPC website and renovating the properties on the Crown Estate and CEPC Regents Park continuously since 1997. Working in conjunction, firstly, with Mr Mundy at Carrow and Partners, then Dennis at Pucell Triton Miller and now Sean at JLL has gained us insightful knowledge into how to care for and protect the Nash facades. We have renovated successfully many properties in Park Village East and West, Chester Gate, Albany Street, Brunswick Place, York Gate and Park Square. The last few years has seen a scaling up of our operations and for the quinquinnial 2026 we will be offering tenders for groups of houses to save time, money and inconvenience for the Leaseholder. Please contact me on 07913423433, or send any appropriate tender forms, to stan@primhill.com
Each quotation is individually compiled according to the specification issued by the Crown Estate. Every quotation conforms to the Agreement between Leaseholder and PHD as laid out below.
The words which follow set out in plain English the Agreement between ‘you’ the Client, and ‘us’ Primrose Hill Decorators.
This Estimate is open for acceptance within three months from the date thereof.
All work shall be carried out by competent workpeople using materials of good quality in accordance with the maker’s recommendations.
We will remedy any defects drawn to our attention in writing which have arisen from incompetent workmanship or defective materials for a period of six months from the date of completion of the work. Does not include costs for access. Does not apply if payment is not made in full.
We undertake to keep in force at all material times Policies of Insurance in respect of Public Liabilities Risk.
Although we will take all possible care, we cannot be held responsible for any damage caused whilst carrying out the required works.
Separate Estimates will be submitted for any additional work not written into the original Estimate. We only deal with and take instruction from the person whose name appears on the Estimate.
You shall be responsible for obtaining all Consents, Licenses or Permits required in connection with the work. Should the works require the erection of scaffolding, no person is allowed onto the scaffold without our prior consent for the duration of the works.
Tools, equipment and materials used by us on site shall remain our property at all times. In the event of default, you shall assist us, in so far as you can, to resume possession of our property.
You shall provide us with facilities as laid down by the Construction (Health and Welfare) Regulations 1966. That is washing and toilet facilities and safe clean storage for our equipment.
Payment shall be made in accordance with the Terms of Payment shown on the Estimate. Breaches of this condition will incur a 2% levy, plus a 2% interest charge per week or part week on outstanding amounts. We reserve the right in the event of a breach of this condition to stop work on the site and remove our equipment without prejudice to any other legal rights.
It is your responsibility to arrange for your agent to both check the work and hand to our site representative the final payment on the last day of work on site. Failure to do so will be regarded as a breach of our agreement.
Thank you Stanley Lawrence